• finance,  investing,  stock market

    Cash flows: For higher Stock Returns (Fundamentals)

    When it comes to investing in the stock market, one crucial aspect that can significantly impact your returns is the cash flows of the companies you choose to invest in. Cash flows provide a clear picture of a company’s financial health and its ability to generate sustainable profits. It forms part of the Reports Troika that needs to be considered while investing in stocks, the other two being the Balance Sheet and the Income Statement. In this article, we will delve into the importance of cash flows in picking stocks for higher returns, highlighting the key factors investors should consider. Understanding Cash Flows Cash flows represent the movement of money…

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  • investing,  stock market

    Balance Sheets: Company Financial Health (Fundamentals)

    Balance Sheets of the companies form one of the fundamental factors when it comes to investing in the stock market, out of the several crucial factors which are considered. This is one part of the Reports Troika of a company which will help in picking the right stock for investing, the other two being Income Statement and The Cash Flow. A balance sheet provides investors with valuable insights into a company’s financial health, stability, and potential for future growth. In this article, we will learn about what is a balance sheet and its significance in the stock market and highlight why they should not be overlooked by savvy investors. What…

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  • finance,  stock market

    How to pick the right stock? (Analysis)

    Stephen Covey, the author of The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People says, “You are a product of your decisions, not your circumstances” emphasizing the importance of decision making in our success or failure. Our decisions become all the more important when it comes to investing in stocks. Everybody aims for a 2-bagger, 3-bagger, or a multi-bagger but fundamentally it is our decision to pick a stock that is earning us money. So let’s come to the real question, how do we arrive at a decision to pick a particular stock? There are different ways but primarily categorized as – Fundamental Analysis and Technical Analysis. Fundamental Analysis is important to…