• money,  wealth

    How to become rich? [A beginner guide]

    Can we consider a person as rich, if he/she for one single day, holds a billion dollars and the very next day loses all the it? The Answer is No. A person is rich only if he is able to sustain his wealth for a longer period of time. We have seen many folks, from different walks of life, who have started ordinary and became rich within a reasonable span of time. If you observe them closely, the very foundation of becoming rich is undoubtedly their effort and earnings via different professions (or) activities. The definition of being rich according to me is to have zero liabilities, create/hold quality assets…

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  • wealth

    Bumpy Ride: The Road to Financial Freedom [Analysis]

    Did you ever go on a bumpy ride? How does it feel like? A painful journey right. What if the same thing happens in our financial journey as well? It is no different. But the pain is due to a different reason what we call as financial risks.

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  • money

    What is Financial Freedom ? [Just about Money]

    Freedom is within the nature of humans, by design. Who doesn’t want to be free? Freedom is a cherished word all over the world be it Political or Economic or for that matter with respect to any other realm. When it comes to the world of wealth, its significance is much more, given the money-driven world that we’re living in.

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    A Curse is a Blessing in disguise? [Assets and Liabilities]

    Do we really need to count our blessings while we are living? Of course why not..!! That would boost our morale and in turn, gives us a chance to ponder over things and improve our well-being. For that, it is important to list out all the blessings at any given point that we have. If we correlate it to the financial realm, I call them as Assets. Also at times, we might have curses as well along with the blessings and I call them as Liabilities.

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    How to protect the value of Money? [Guide]

    “Time is Money” – Benjamin Franklin I have been working for almost 9 years now. But some of my initial years of work passed just like that, without me realizing how to use money for our advantage. In a way, whatever money I’ve earned, used to just sit in my salary account for days and months, without realizing its potential. This is similar to holding an ice cube in hands, it melts and after some time disappears.   The value of Money also reduces over time.

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  • money

    Money vs Peace [The Pendulum]

    The root of suffering is attachment – The Buddha The human brain is filled with thousands of questions. In the financial realm, the most frequent and persistent questions that come up are, Is it really required to earn more money, or Is it okay to just earn to make a living? Can Peace and Money be together? Is achieving Money and Wisdom both possible in a lifetime? Or to put it differently, are we going to spend our lives thinking only about money for the next few decades and die one day or are we going to live life by not bothering much about money? And the list goes on. The…

  • wealth

    What is True Wealth? [Guide]

    “Hurrah…!!! Never thought I would win a $1000000 lottery. Feels great to win and am ecstatic…”, was the reaction from a person, from lower strata of the first world society. He became an overnight sensation in the Media. Many considered him lucky and his friends and family already treating him as a Wealthy man, who is filthy rich.